Indian Food Systems for Improved Nutrition (INFUSION)
Our research explores ways in which rural communities in India can gain better access to nutrient-dense foods through improved functioning of food markets, in equitable and climate-friendly ways. INFUSION’s research is co-designed with key policy stakeholders.
INFUSION seeks to improve understanding of the functioning of rural food markets from a nutrition perspective, and to establish, test and deliver evidence for market interventions that improve the availability and affordability of nutrient-dense foods (especially fruits, vegetables and animal-sourced foods) in rural communities in Bihar and Odisha in India.
INFUSION is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK Government. This five-year project will develop and test innovative ideas focused on leveraging food markets in India to improve access of rural communities to nutritious foods such as fruit and vegetables, milk, meat and eggs.
Divided into three workstreams, INFUSION’s research is collecting and analysing data related to food markets, designing and testing market-focused interventions and responding to research needs of policymakers.

Running from 2022 until 2027, INFUSION studies how markets can be strengthened so that rural communities in India can gain improved access to nutrient-dense foods in equitable and climate-friendly ways. INFUSION is focussed on Bihar and Odisha states.
The research partners in INFUSION are: The University of Sheffield (lead), The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, MicroSave Consulting (India), The Indian School of Business and ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition.

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